Überwachung für Eltern zu
Überwache das Handy deines Kindes mit unserer leicht verständlichen Live-Übersicht.
Alles was du benötigst ist einmalig ein physischer Zugriff auf das Smartphone.
Damit hast du jedezeit eine Überblick über sämtliche gemachten Photos, Social Media, SMS, Anrufe, Besuchte homepages, Live-GPS-Location und vieles mehr.

Care-Free tracking
at home
Very easy and fast installation
It is extremely easy for everybody, even not-pc users, and takes less than 30 seconds to install the app on the phone. With this single step you will know everything about the phone at every time.
We are an Austrian company and Data-Safety is our speciality. From GDPR to HIPAA compliance and secure data transfer, we have a multitude of technologies in place to ensure the information that needs to be safe and secure stays safe and secure.
Awesome Interface
Our Smartphone Monitoring Interface is a state-of-the-art product, developed and designed by us, in a way that it allows your browser to see all changes the same moment they happen on the phone - in realtime - without the need to refresh the page.
Professionelle Überwachungs-Lösungen
Know about browsing, messages, social media usage, gpslocation and more information in real-time, Comprehensive statistics about average calltime, time/distance travelled and much more!
Wir haben 4 unterschiedliche versionen für Schulen, Jugend/Immigration NGOs, Firmen und Strafverfolgung.

Tracking for
Fully Automated Statistics
Especially when an employee is not in the office (roadwarrior or homeworker) it is very hard to correctly judge their productivity. Mobilespy can automatically create statistics and shows you all information about number of calls, calltime, distance travelled and many more features to help you correctly evaluate your employees.
One Plattform - All Phones
Easy accessibility is key, so we paid a lot of attention in regards to absolute compatibility. No matter if IOS or Android, all phones from Apple, Samsung, LG, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Lenovo ... we support them all!
Self-Hosted Solutions
For businesses we are aware how important Data Protection is. Your data will always be 100% save with us, but we go beyond the platform and provide both managed and unmanaged hosting solutions on your own business-servers, implementation and training services, and regular success reviews to ensure you achieved your goals. We're tracking experts; we want to help you.